Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More about this marketing stuff

So my outreach coordinator came by to talk to me today. She told me that after November 15, I would be ready for puclic viewing. I'm going to be filmed, photographed and written about. It's like being the subject of the gossip column. She told me that I would meet more little kids, some important decision makers, and non-english speaking people. I better pull out my Spanish phrase book and start learning.

I was also put at ease when I found out that I'm not going to be sold. This marketing plan that everyone is scrambling about is going to be posted to our website on Friday, and breaks down how I'm going to be publicized, and how my students are going to educate others about my buddies and me, and what we do. I'm glad the outreach team finished the marketing plan, it looks really good, and really shows off all of the hardwork my students have done to make me a supercool car.

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